Lotus Pet Oncology offers teleconsulting services to veterinarians and pet owners. The consults can be performed with the pet owner, primary care veterinarian and oncologist (preferred), the primary care veterinarian and oncologist, or the pet owner and oncologist. Appointments are scheduled for 45-60 minutes and are done via a video conferencing platform. After hours and emergency consultations are available on an as needed basis. A written consultation summary is provided to all parties participating in the consult within 24 hours.

During the consultation we will review the diagnosis, current test results, recommended follow-up diagnostics, treatment options, owners goals, and questions/concerns. We will discuss all of the options for treatment and provide insight and input, regardless if or advanced or palliative care is pursued. Lotus Pet Oncology will work directly with the primary care veterinarian if they would like to perform treatments in their office. Dr. Binstock strives to offer a compassionate yet realistic perspective pertaining to the journey of a pet with cancer. She is available for follow ups via appointment and will hold virtual “office hours” weekly.